Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Mutants & Masterminds - Most Famous Heroes - The New Team
Before going on the next mission the team desperately needed some new members. Two members left after mission one and one died. So it’s back to the show. The audience picked some new members to join. First up was Chill. He was a mutant that had cold powers; unfortunately he could not control them and had to always be in a containment suit. Holy Sister, a demon nun. Her origin has not been revealed but somehow as a baby she demon she was left at a convent and raised by nuns. She has not completely revealed all of her powers, but what is known is that she can go ghost, and shoot lightning. The next new member is Concussion, another powerhouse brick. Then last but not least we had Vixxxen. She was an ex-model/Playboy model. She has mind power over men, she is everything they desire, and the opposite effect on women, everything they hate (I really wish we would have played up that ability more than we did). She also had a whip and some other mind control powers. So the team is all set for mission 2.
Mutants and Masterminds