This is an update on the current status of the Wave 8 and Aquilla's Alliance//Ticalla Jungle production. This is a quote from my Hasbro rep that I received earlier today in response to my questions about the release dates for Wave 8 and Aquilla's Alliance/Ticalla Jungle: Sandra, Thank You for your order. Wave 8 was planned for November, but we do not have enough commitment orders to run production. It’s questionable at this time. If you have a large wave 8 orders please submit and I will enter so they can see we have a demand for it. The Jungle terrain is also questionable for 07. We may need to wait for 2008. I will need to update you on this. UPDATE SATURDAY, SEPT 22: I've just submitted an order to Hasbro that is significantly larger than any previous order. We'll have to wait and see what happens._________________Sandra
I'm not sure what this means, and really don't want to read to much into it. My hope is that they have so much scheduled to come out that the retailers just don't want to pack their shelves with to much of one product. Look at what all they have and want out, Swarm of the Marro Master Set, Marvel Master Set, Wave 7 (I can't say that I have even seen this one yet, but some say they have), Wave 8, The Ticalla Jungle Set, The Marvel Expansions, and I'm sure there are a few I'm not aware of. That's a lot to ask Wal*Mart and Target to put out. Let's hope for the best and get your orders in.