Friday, September 28, 2007

Gen Con Heroscape VI Last One!!

Here are the last of the pictures I took of the Heroscape stuff at Gen Con. Man there is a lot of cool stuff for this game.

Some more Swarm of the Marro Figures:

Jotun and Grimnak about to fight it out:

My favorite Unique hero (a big thank you to this Hasbro employee for being a good sport and humoring me):

Don't forget October 20 is national Play Heroscape Day. Play Heroscape October 20 even if you get together with a few friends. If you organize a big event contact House Mouse Games for some cool free Heroscape name tags.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Inquest Gamer Magazine Ceases Publication

Another one bite the dust:

Wizard Entertainment (the folks who put on Wizard World and publish a group of comic and toy related magazines) announced that they won't be publishing Inquest Gamer any longer. last issue is the September Issue, #150

Heroscape Part V

Even more pictures:

Another Shot of the Display Figures:
Close up of the bug creature from the next large figure set (Sorry it is a little blurry):
Swarm of the Marro Figures:

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Earth Drill Released For Hollowed Earth Expeditions

From the Fat Dragon forums:

Fat Dragon Games is proud to present our first official Hollow Earth Expedition model set, the Earth Drill. This model measures 11" long and features fully rendered surface detailing, realistic tread and drill assemblies with all art in full color and 300dpi for maximum detail. This is a must have for any serious Hollow Earth Expedition fan (how else are you going to get to the Hollow Earth?)Hollow Earth Expedition is a registered trademark of Exile Game Studio and is used with permission.

Some Picture posted at the forum:

Here is a link for $1.00 off this great new model set (hurry as it expires in one week):

Here's a teaser of the Panzerkampftruppen from the next Hollow Earth Expedition set:

Monday, September 24, 2007

Heroscape News

I wanted to share some news I saw on the Heroscapers Forum. This was posted by Sandra at House Mouse Games:

This is an update on the current status of the Wave 8 and Aquilla's Alliance//Ticalla Jungle production. This is a quote from my Hasbro rep that I received earlier today in response to my questions about the release dates for Wave 8 and Aquilla's Alliance/Ticalla Jungle: Sandra, Thank You for your order. Wave 8 was planned for November, but we do not have enough commitment orders to run production. It’s questionable at this time. If you have a large wave 8 orders please submit and I will enter so they can see we have a demand for it. The Jungle terrain is also questionable for 07. We may need to wait for 2008. I will need to update you on this. UPDATE SATURDAY, SEPT 22: I've just submitted an order to Hasbro that is significantly larger than any previous order. We'll have to wait and see what happens._________________Sandra
I'm not sure what this means, and really don't want to read to much into it. My hope is that they have so much scheduled to come out that the retailers just don't want to pack their shelves with to much of one product. Look at what all they have and want out, Swarm of the Marro Master Set, Marvel Master Set, Wave 7 (I can't say that I have even seen this one yet, but some say they have), Wave 8, The Ticalla Jungle Set, The Marvel Expansions, and I'm sure there are a few I'm not aware of. That's a lot to ask Wal*Mart and Target to put out. Let's hope for the best and get your orders in.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Heroscape at Gen Con Part IV

Figures Display

Gen Con Heroscape Part III

More of the WOTC display:
Marro and Kyrie
Swarm of the Marro Figures
Agent Carr and the Knights of Weston going against Mimring

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Gen Con Review Continued - WOTC Heroscape Display

Once again WOTC had an awesome Heroscape display set up, showing off old sets that have been out and new ones about to be released. I'm goin to be posting the pictures I took of it the next couple days.

Trying to get the whole thing in one shot.
Jungle castle assault.
Jandar's army on top of the castle.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Gen Con 07 Review - Thursday Heroscape Day

Thursday the events I had scheduled were Heroscape Marvel or Marro event and the Heroscape Win-A-Wave tournament. Those were both scheduled late in the afternoon, so that gave me all day to hang out in the vendor hall. The hall was twice as big as previous years, of course they had a huge section dedicated to video games. My friend Gary and I checked out the booths, gathered swag (which was way down from previous years), and spotted stuff I was going to buy, and took lots of pictures. The first thing I bought at the con was the Heroscape expansion pack Knights Templar. These guys are just plain cool. I can’t wait to play and have the knights come rolling out charging the enemy. The best swag of the day was the Heroscape con exclusive Master Win Chiu Woo. It’s always cool to get a free figure for a game you play. I hope WOTC keeps up this tradition, but when you see guys paying someone who has no interest in Heroscape $5 so they’ll get a figure for you to get and sell on Ebay, you can see the beginning of the end of this.

First up for events was the Marvel or Swarm of the Marro Heroscape games. At first I thought one side had the Marvel and the other had the Marro and there would be a big battle. It turned out to be a chance to play the two games and try them out. Since I was already familiar with Heroscape I decided to try the Marvel game. I liked it better than Heroclix, but not as much as the regular Heroscape game. There was just something missing. I’ll buy the Marvel sets to support the game but don’t see myself playing the Marvel version that much.

Next was the Win-A-Wave tournament. I’ll start by saying that I have never played a tournament before, and most my experience is against my 8 year-old or one of the other kids on my street. Needless to say I was not prepared for the tournament. I brought what I thought was a pretty good team, Agent Carr, Guilty McGreech, Nikita Agents, Krav Maga Agents, and the Marro Warriors. It seemed like I had all my bases covered, range, special defenses, and a guy that could bring it in melee. The guy I played sets down 16 of the 4th Massachusetts and Marcus Decimus Gallus. The beginning I did pretty good, I was taking the 4th Massachusetts guys at a regular pace, I even took Marcus out, but I learned quickly with 16 guys from the same common squad, if you take one out another takes his place. Using unique squads you lose that advantage. So when I took out a 4th Mass. Soldier he still attacked with four, when he took out a Nikita or Krav Maga, I lost attacks. He snagged a +1 attack glyph, and eventually tore me apart. Agent Carr and Guilty McGreech didn’t even get an attack before getting blasted by the 4th with height advantage. I needed a squad killer in my army. After the game the guy I played said you should have brought Major Q9 instead of Carr and McGreech. Oh well, at least I had fun playing.

Playing a little Marvel Heroscape

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Top 13 Toys of All Time

I came across this list today on Wondertime and thought it was pretty good. I can think of a bunch that probably should have made the list, GI Joe comes to mind right off the bat, but it's a pretty good list. Lots of memories looking at these toys.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fat Dragon Games & Hollowed Earth Expeditions Preview

Tom posted this at his board:

The first set will be the earth drill, and the second set will be a T-Rex and several types of Panzerkampftruppen. The third set will be period vehicles and the fourth set will be much larger theme set.

Here is the preview picture.

It looks way cool. Who couldn't use dinosaurs and drilling machines? All you Champions and Mutants & Masterminds fans should check it out.

Fat Dragon Games News - Hollowed Earth Expeditions a Go!!

Tom posted this over at the Fat Dragon Games forum:

Fat Dragon Games will be producing the official miniature terrain for Hollow Earth Expedition starting in October. Hollow Earth Expedition (HEX) is an award winning RPG produced by Exile Game Studio and all of us here at FDG are very excited to be able to work on this project. The first model to be released is an EARTH DRILL, followed immediately by an ADVERSARIES PACK. Future sets are in the pipeline and fans of HEX will not be disappointed. Keep checking the Fat Dragon Games forums for further updates and preview pics starting in about a week.

This is great news for all you pulp fans out there. I put up a link to Fat Dragon Games and the Forums. I might have to pick up Hollowed Earth Expeditions now.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Congratulations Ennie Winner Fat Dragon Games

I wanted to give a big congratulations to Fat Dragon Games for their Ennie win at Gen Con this year. Fat Dragon Games won the Silver Medal for "Best Miniature Product." Not bad for a small company going up against big guys like Paizo Publishing. My friend Tom runs the company so that makes it even better. Way to go Tom and the whole Fat Dragon crew.

Here is Tom posing with his Silver Medal
The Fat Dragon Crew goofing off before the vendors room opens. For those of you who are wondering that's Fat Dragon Flard in the blue shirt. I hope all you Flard fans got your picture with him.
And last but not least proof in the pictures, Hooters Girls love Fat Dragon Games. We had to beat this one off of Kevin.