Hey all-I'd like to thank everyone for making 2007 such a fantastic year for all of us at Fat Dragon Games. This past year has seen our small company grow faster than I ever could have imagined, and I can't tell you how much your continued support means to me and the rest of the crew.
What can you expect to see from us in 2008? Well, we'll be continuing to expand our 2D and 3D fantasy terrain catalog (we've got over 18 new releases planned), more Hollow Earth Expedition goodness is in the works with the fine people over at Exile Games Studio, and a few new products like paper miniatures that feature a new twist...customization! Sci-fi fans who have been waiting patently for some new sets from us will not be disappointed, we have several sets nearing completion and I expect to have preview pics posted here before the end of the month.
In addition to expanding our existing lines, we'll be delving into some new territory as well. It's too early to give any specific details but we are expanding our product lines to cover more wargames in the coming year. There are also a few deals in the works with other game companies that I hope to be able to make public in the next month or two.
Finally, I want to wish all of you a happy and safe 2008. I cannot express how much I have enjoyed getting to know many of you over the last two years, both online and at the various conventions we attend. Your friendship means the world to me and is the greatest part of this business.
All my best,
P.S. I'll drop one more hint about 2008....CTHULHU!