Sara, a student who is told she looks like either Jessica Simpson or Brittany Spears, depending on her hair, likes to spend her afternoons at the beach. Where else could she show off her most interesting talent, her “incredible flexibility?” Let your imagination run with that one.
Karen an administrative assistant, who likes to spend afternoons, napping in a sunbeam, is told she looks like Reba McIntyre, does not like bad drivers, and can do one armed push-ups. Imagine if she was your admin, "Karen I'll need the reports, need some one armed push-ups and a cheer for today's meeting."Ericka, a hair/makeup artist has future goals of one day being Jessica Simpson’s personal stylist. I love seeing people with lofty goals. Ericka also claims her most interesting talent is to be able to talk on the cell phone, do her mascara, and drive a car at the same time. Ericka, you are one of the drivers Karen hates. A warning to the public if you see Ericka getting in her car, get out of her way. At least she knows not to try to be Jessica Simpson's driver.Fanie, who also likes to spend afternoons on the beach, has future goals of finishing school, dancing, and being happy. Once again, I love a girl with lofty goals.
Chantelle, a student that likes to spend her afternoons at the beach, who for some odd reason thinks she looks like Pamela Anderson? Eloise, a 3rd year Biomedical Science student, who also like to spend her afternoons at the beach. Hanging at the beach is a common theme with the cheer babes. I didn’t realize that Ottawa had a that happening of a beach scene. Eloise does not like whistling or snoring. We’ll wrap up with Meredith, a future lawyer who does like gum smacking, and can play the drums. A cheer babe, future lawyer, and a drummer, can you get any cooler than that? OK maybe not the lawyer part, but a cheer babe that can jam on the drums. I like this girl!!I love cheer babes bios.