In the news this past week Fox News reported that "Octomom" Suleman got a million dollar movie offer from the fine folks at Vivid. You can read about it
here and
here. If you are unfamiliar with Vivid they are the ones behind fine cinematic releases such as Basic Oral Training, Trannyville, Ass Traffic, The American MILF Series, The subject of a previous post
Faithless, and many other fine movies. Where to begin with this story? How about with the name Octomom? I'm not sure I want to see any porn movie with the star Octomom. That sounds like something you would see in one of those anime porn movies that involves rape and tentacles. I'm also not sure I want to see a lady who has just given birth to eight kids naked.

Anyway the movie is supposed to be Octomom in eight scenes with eight different guys. Nice!! I got to say I love this quote by Vivid CEO Stephen Hirsch:
"She’s struggling financially and this is a woman who wants to provide for her kids," Hirsch said. "This way she can hold her head high and not be using taxpayers money to support her family."
That is a classic. One way to be able to hold your head up high and support your kids on your own is by making a porn with eight other dudes. You got to love the porn industry. It is probably the only job where a single mom of 14 kids on welfare will get a million dollar paycheck.