Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
SCAD Sand Art Festival
One of the best things about living in the south on the coast is events like Savannah College of Art and Design's Sand Art Festival. It has everything you could possibly want in one place, art, the beach, and babes. It is happening again this weekend, and this will be the third one I've attended. To get ready I'll be posting images from the last two years to get ready. 

Monday, April 28, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Heroscape Wave 8 Preview walves of Badru
Heroscpaers.com posted some previews of the Wolves of Badru that are going to be in Wave 8. You can get a good shot of the card here and the figures themselves here.

Thursday, April 24, 2008
New Heroscapers.com
If you haven't been to Heroscapers.com for a while or have never been there click the link and head over to check it out. They have revamped the site, gave it a whole new look and whole bunch of new features. From what I can see a definite improvement. You can directly to this link for all the changes and updates.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Gen Con & Wizards of the Coast & Heroscape

Here is a short FAQ on what’s happening with Wizards and Gen Con this year.
Q: Why are there no D&D or Wizards events on the schedule posted for Gen Con at www.gencon.com?
A: Wizards had not submitted a schedule of events by the Gen Con deadline. Since we hadn’t submitted our own schedule, none of our events are in the official Gen Con schedule at this time.
Q: Will Wizards attend Gen Con in 2008?
A: As you may be aware, Gen Con is currently in chapter 11 bankruptcy. Wizards’ plans relative to Gen Con are dependent on the course of proceedings in US bankruptcy court. While we hope to participate in Gen Con, we must await further proceedings in the bankruptcy matter before we are able to confirm our plans.
Q: You previously announced that [Living Forgotten Realms/D&D Miniatures Championship/any other event] would be at Gen Con. Is that still true?
A: We are committed to our specific programs, such as the launch of Living Forgotten Realms and the D&D Miniatures Championship. Those events will take place in some form. However, as we cannot make a general prediction about our relationship with Gen Con, we likewise can’t make any pronouncements yet about a specific program. Keep visiting www.wizards.com for the most up-to-date information about our events and programs.
Hope it clears up some questions for you.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Earth Day

It's Earth Day, go outside and enjoy your world. Since it's Earth Day I thought it would be appropriate to post a link to 10 Tips on How to be a Greener Photographer courtesy of one of my favorite newsletters Photojojo! Of course I have to include some babes having fun outside. 

Friday, April 18, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
'Miss Bimbo' Web Site Sparks Outrage in Britain

A Web site that encourages girls as young as 9 to embrace plastic surgery and extreme dieting in the search for the perfect figure was condemned as lethal by British parents' groups and health-care experts Monday.
The "Miss Bimbo" Internet game has attracted prepubescent girls who are told to buy their virtual characters breast-enlargement surgery and to keep them "waif thin" with diet pills.
Health-care professionals, a parents' group and an organization representing people suffering from anorexia and bulimia criticized the Web site for sending a dangerous message to impressionable children.
In the month since it opened the site, which is aimed at girls aged from 9 to 16, has attracted 200,000 members.
Players keep a constant watch on the weight, wardrobe, wealth and happiness of their character to create "the coolest, richest and most famous bimbo in the world."
Competing against other children, they earn "bimbo dollars" to buy plastic surgery, diet pills, facelifts, lingerie and fashionable nightclub outfits.
The Web site sparked controversy when it was introduced in France last year, where it attracted 1.2 million players.
Dee Dawson, the medical director of the Rhodes Farm Clinic in north London, which treats girls aged from 8 to 18 who suffer from eating disorders, said: "This is as lethal as pro-anorexia Web sites. A lot of children will get caught up with the extremely damaging and appalling messages."
Susan Ringwood, the chief executive of Beat, a Norwich, England-based organization that supports those suffering from eating disorders, said that the Web site could make girls believe that weight and body size manipulation were acceptable.
The Miss Bimbo site was set up by Nicholas Jacquart, a French entrepreneur. He moved to Tooting, South London, recently and with a 30-year-old businessman called Chris Evans set up Ouza Ltd to promote the Web site in Britain.
Its introduction came as research showed that British children as young as 6 were developing acute eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. On Monday it emerged that increasing numbers of British teenagers were undergoing breast enlargement surgery.
Registration on the Miss Bimbo site is free but it makes money by charging £1.50 (about $3.00) per text message to buy "dollars" to spend on the characters.
On the rules section it states that despite contestants wanting "to keep your bimbo waif thin ... every girl needs to eat, every now and again."
It suggests feeding the character to prevent her dying of starvation.
Bill Hibberd, a spokesman for Parentkind, a parents' group based in Sheffield, England, said: "Children's innocence should be protected as far as possible. It depends on the mindset of the child but the danger is that after playing the game some will then aspire to have breast operations and take diet pills.
"The danger is that a nine-year-old girl fails to appreciate the irony and sees the bimbo as a cool role model," Hibberd added. "Then the game becomes a hazard and a menace."
Jacquart claims the game teaches children about the real world and is simply harmless fun.
"The game is structured in such a way that it simply mirrors real life in a tongue-in-cheek way," he said. "It is not a bad influence for young children. They learn to take care of their bimbos. The missions and goals for the bimbos are morally sound and teach children about the real world.
"If they eat too much chocolate in the game, it is bad for their bimbos' bodies and their happiness levels compared to if they eat fruit and vegetables, which reinforces positive healthy eating messages," Jacquart added. "The breast operations are just one part of the game and we are not encouraging young girls to have them."
Evans admitted that the story in the script had been created by "lads" and no professional advice was sought about how girls may interpret issues surrounding weight loss and gain.
Nick Williams, from Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England, said that he was appalled when he saw his daughters Katie, 9, and Sarah, 14, on the site pondering whether to buy their character breast operations and facelifts.
"I noticed them looking at possible breast operations and facelifts at the game's plastic surgery clinic," said Williams, 42. "It is irresponsible of the site's creators to be leading young girls astray. They are easily influenced at that age as to what is cool and these are not things they should be encouraged to aspire to before they are old enough to be making up their own minds."
Peer pressure
Users are set targets:
Level 7After you broke up with your boyfriend you went on an eating binge! Now it's time to diet ... Your target weight is less than 132 lbs
Level 9Have a nip-and-tuck operation for a brand new face. You've found work as a plus-size model. To gain those vivacious curves, you need to weigh more than 154 lbs
Level 10Summertime is coming up and bikini weather is upon us. You want to turn heads on the beach don't you?
Level 11Bigger is better! Have a breast operation
Level 17There is a billionaire on vacation ... You must catch his eye and his love! Good luck
The "Miss Bimbo" Internet game has attracted prepubescent girls who are told to buy their virtual characters breast-enlargement surgery and to keep them "waif thin" with diet pills.
Health-care professionals, a parents' group and an organization representing people suffering from anorexia and bulimia criticized the Web site for sending a dangerous message to impressionable children.
In the month since it opened the site, which is aimed at girls aged from 9 to 16, has attracted 200,000 members.

Players keep a constant watch on the weight, wardrobe, wealth and happiness of their character to create "the coolest, richest and most famous bimbo in the world."
Competing against other children, they earn "bimbo dollars" to buy plastic surgery, diet pills, facelifts, lingerie and fashionable nightclub outfits.
The Web site sparked controversy when it was introduced in France last year, where it attracted 1.2 million players.
Dee Dawson, the medical director of the Rhodes Farm Clinic in north London, which treats girls aged from 8 to 18 who suffer from eating disorders, said: "This is as lethal as pro-anorexia Web sites. A lot of children will get caught up with the extremely damaging and appalling messages."
Susan Ringwood, the chief executive of Beat, a Norwich, England-based organization that supports those suffering from eating disorders, said that the Web site could make girls believe that weight and body size manipulation were acceptable.
The Miss Bimbo site was set up by Nicholas Jacquart, a French entrepreneur. He moved to Tooting, South London, recently and with a 30-year-old businessman called Chris Evans set up Ouza Ltd to promote the Web site in Britain.
Its introduction came as research showed that British children as young as 6 were developing acute eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. On Monday it emerged that increasing numbers of British teenagers were undergoing breast enlargement surgery.

Registration on the Miss Bimbo site is free but it makes money by charging £1.50 (about $3.00) per text message to buy "dollars" to spend on the characters.
On the rules section it states that despite contestants wanting "to keep your bimbo waif thin ... every girl needs to eat, every now and again."
It suggests feeding the character to prevent her dying of starvation.
Bill Hibberd, a spokesman for Parentkind, a parents' group based in Sheffield, England, said: "Children's innocence should be protected as far as possible. It depends on the mindset of the child but the danger is that after playing the game some will then aspire to have breast operations and take diet pills.
"The danger is that a nine-year-old girl fails to appreciate the irony and sees the bimbo as a cool role model," Hibberd added. "Then the game becomes a hazard and a menace."
Jacquart claims the game teaches children about the real world and is simply harmless fun.
"The game is structured in such a way that it simply mirrors real life in a tongue-in-cheek way," he said. "It is not a bad influence for young children. They learn to take care of their bimbos. The missions and goals for the bimbos are morally sound and teach children about the real world.
"If they eat too much chocolate in the game, it is bad for their bimbos' bodies and their happiness levels compared to if they eat fruit and vegetables, which reinforces positive healthy eating messages," Jacquart added. "The breast operations are just one part of the game and we are not encouraging young girls to have them."
Evans admitted that the story in the script had been created by "lads" and no professional advice was sought about how girls may interpret issues surrounding weight loss and gain.
Nick Williams, from Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England, said that he was appalled when he saw his daughters Katie, 9, and Sarah, 14, on the site pondering whether to buy their character breast operations and facelifts.
"I noticed them looking at possible breast operations and facelifts at the game's plastic surgery clinic," said Williams, 42. "It is irresponsible of the site's creators to be leading young girls astray. They are easily influenced at that age as to what is cool and these are not things they should be encouraged to aspire to before they are old enough to be making up their own minds."

Peer pressure
Users are set targets:
Level 7After you broke up with your boyfriend you went on an eating binge! Now it's time to diet ... Your target weight is less than 132 lbs
Level 9Have a nip-and-tuck operation for a brand new face. You've found work as a plus-size model. To gain those vivacious curves, you need to weigh more than 154 lbs
Level 10Summertime is coming up and bikini weather is upon us. You want to turn heads on the beach don't you?
Level 11Bigger is better! Have a breast operation
Level 17There is a billionaire on vacation ... You must catch his eye and his love! Good luck
Current Events
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Fat Dragon Anniversary Sale
To celebrate their anniversary Fat Dragon is having a big sale. Here is the message Tom sent out:
That's right, FDG has reached our third anniversary since we opened our doors in April 2005. I'd like to thank all of our customers for their outstanding support, I never imagined we'd grow this fast in three short years. In that time we've dominated the RPG accessory sales charts at RPGNow/DrivethruRPG, won an ENnie award and have landed several lucrative licensing deals. To show our appreciation, we're running a 25% off sale on all of our products for one week only (sale price shows when you check out.) Hurry as it'll be another year until we have a sale like this again!

Fat Dragon Games,
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
Fat Dragon's "The Tavern" Available

12 tavern interior tiles
Beer kegs(something every dwarf needs)
Tables (4 sizes)
Bar Stools
Liquor cabinet

Fat Dragon Games,
Thursday, April 10, 2008
T-Shirt Day
How about a hot babe in a t-shirt? I don't know who Katie Price is but she looks good in a t-shirt.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Congratulations Jayhawks!!
I'm not sure who the girl is but anyone with a pet turtle named Rock, Chalk has to be a Kansas fan.

Cheer babes,
Monday, April 7, 2008
Charleton Heston 1924-2008

Cool Dudes,
Sunday, April 6, 2008
NCAA Final - Memphis & Kansas
If you go back a read my initial post on the NCAA Tournament you will see why I don't put money on this thing. The final is between Kansas and Memphis. They both played a heck of a good game last night. If Kansas plays the way they did last night Memphis doesn't stand a chance. They rolled over North Carolina. So let's hear it for the teams that made the finals: 

Cheer babes,
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Lamest Wet T-Shirt Contest Ever
I came across a picture of what has to be the lamest wet t-shirt contest ever. All I could think about was this was a a contest held at church camp.

Friday, April 4, 2008
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Zombie Preparedness Day
I can't believe I missed it!! April 3 was Zombie Preparedness Day. Someone did a real bad job of getting the word out about this. I cannot stress how important this is for all of us. I was recently quoted in our local paper about the importance of having a plan in case of a zombie infestation. It is just as important to have a zombie infestation plan as it is to have a fire escape or hurricane escape plan. 

Gamer Girls,
D&D 4TH Edition
As most gamers know by now Wizards of the Coast is putting out D&D 4Th Editon this year. I wanted to post on it and was putting together what I wanted to say, but came across this post and this post on Trollsmyth's Blog which pretty much sum up what I wanted to say. Thanks Trollsmyth.

Dungeons and Dragons,
Gamer Girls,
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Paris Hilton on National Geographic Cover
Paris Hilton is going to be on the cover of National Geographic in their Wild Animal Fantasies issue. I bet every one is looking forward to that one.

P.S. I hope you like my April Fool's post.